
Pascal Ratet


Claire Veneault-Fourrey


Pierre Frendo


Herbaceous and some perennial plants establish endosymbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) that allows them to gain a nutritional advantage. Due to limited nutrient availability in forest soils, tree roots in boreal and temperate forests establish mutualistic interactions with the hyphae of ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) to support their growth and health. Actinorhizal and leguminous plants can also enter into endosymbiosis (nitrogen-fixing symbiosis, NFS) with Frankia or rhizobia bacteria, respectively, to perform atmospheric N2 biological fixation. These symbioses also improve nutrition. The establishment of these beneficial interactions requires strict coordination of microbial and plant cell development, immunity and physiology. The control of plant immunity (control of defense reactions) by microorganisms has been clearly demonstrated in these symbiotic interactions allowing the penetration, colonization and persistence of beneficial microorganisms within plant cells.

In this context, how plants differentiate pathogenic microorganisms from symbionts is still poorly understood. Although a better tolerance of symbiotic plants to pathogens would be one of the assets of the introduction of symbiotic plants in agriculture, there is a lack of generic knowledge on the protective effects of symbiotic interactions against pathogen attacks. The goal of this working group is to better understand the mechanisms of regulation of plant immunity by symbiosis in order to use the symbiotic lever for a reduced use of pesticides in agriculture.